Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Where do writers get ideas?

I'm often asked this question and the answer is EVERYWHERE.

Sometimes I have a dream that is so vivid and seems such a good idea for a new story line that I use it.  Sometimes something happens to me, to someone close to me, or even to a complete stranger, that makes an impact on me.  My mind kicks into gear with imaginary scenarios based on the event.  I sometimes wonder "what if this instead of that had happened" or "what events led to that happening" or "what if this happens next".  The next thing I know, I'm in full daydream mode, creating characters and actions loosely based on the event.

I know some writers plan out their books - beginning, middle and end.  I used to do that but stopped because my characters rarely behave and go where I originally planned for them to go.  It's a complete waste of time for me, although I'm sure it works for others.  When I have an idea, I just sit down at the keyboard, put on my headphones with my favorite music of the moment and allow my imagination to take me where it will.

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